Once upon a time, there was a young man who was walking down the main street of a city, he had just received his salary so it was a great day to spend a bit of it., so he decided to take a walk and make some shopping that day. He was coming out from a low-cost shop when, suddenly, a man came across him and stole his wallet. Instinctively, he ran alter him, he won’t let him steal his salary, and chased him until he entered a small and quite hidden building.
When the man entered the building, he didn’t see anyone or anything, it was a wide and empty space, so strange. He left the shopping bags in a corner of the room and started to think. That thief must be somewhere over there, just in front of his eyes, but he couldn’t see him. He started to look arround and he saw a door, a small brown door, right on the opposite side of the room. He was there, it was the only place he could be. He runned to the door and opened it. It wasn’t a normal door, it was an acces to a small, dirty and wierd lift. He entered it and pushed the only button was there. The lift started to go down. The doors finaly opened, and what he saw was terrifying, there were dead people all over the place, slaughtered in a macabre way. He heard the lift going up, he was really scared, he traed to push the button to get out of that place but it was to late. In the middle of all that dead people, tehre was a man with a white overall stained with blood, a hockey mask, a wallet on a hand and an ax on the other one.
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