Fast food.
Fast food becamed on the 1951 in America. It has changed the live of a lot of people arround the world. However, there are some advantatges and some disadvantatges.
On the one hand,fast food is cheap, it likes to a lot of children , it is fast to prepare and is not difficult to get. 1 sentence paragraph
On the other hand, fast food crates a lot of obbesity arround the world, teenagers use to usually eat a lot of fast food,and it contais a lot of calories. The problem is that they don't want to eat other food that is not fast food. Aswell, final position and "as well" fast food contaminates a lot because of the gigant fabriques.
In conclusion, fast food has been a way to eat for some poor people, and an illness for some others. 1 sentence paragraph
Carla Brito
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